
Minutes of Meeting - 15-16 April 2010


Allemagne - Formation professionnelle et sociale

Humeyra Baykan

Jorg Czekalla

Manfred Dunkel

+ external consultant Rene Sternberg

Autriche - Institution de formation professionnelle

Simone Roth

Hannelore Handlbauer

Italie - Formation dans les secteurs non-commerciaux

Patrizia Deiala

Antonella Cardone

France  - E-Seniors

Monique Epstein

Ganit Hirschberg

Frédéric Constans

Jean-Michel Damianth

Turquie - Ministère de l’éducation à Eskisehir

Ahmet Tatar

Hulya Gelikbilek


Margaret Davies


Welcome and resonate about the conference on 14.4


Country reports

France  presented the results of the survey (the questionnaire was sent to all the partners)

Other countries haven’t used the questionnaire yet and may make some changes,  Wales Uk did use the survey

and is waiting for some more responses, other partners used questionnaire or other tools to fix up the needs of

the target group.

All partners should provide an analysis report (market needs and target groups).

That will be integrated in the intermediary report so should be ready for the next meeting.

Partners should have a local flyer for its local information campaign.


Webshop Bazaar and corporate design, e-commerce course (Jörg)


List of risks must be established before we start the training and answers should be found/defined to each risk.

Issues that must be defined before the webshop is online:


Entry page  : local with possibility to enter the other countries.

Local sites will be divided to products/services.

Information that partners have to provide to Jörg (through Moodle):

Deadline: Mid-may

For the project website, Jörg wil provide to the partners:


Training content

  1. Motivation, creative hobbies
  2. Administration – legislation, contracts, legal statement, taxes, VAT, export/import
  3. Financing the business, loans, grants
  4. E-commerce parts of EBG curriculum
  5. ICT competences to maintain webshop (text, photos, admin - Magento)


o   In each country – 20 participants

ð  Time of training              

ð  xy hours Motivation, creative hobbies

ð  xy hours Administration – legislation, contracts, legal statement, taxes, VAT, export/import

ð  xy hours Financing the business, loans, grants, business plan for individual shops

ð  xy hours E-commerce parts of EBG curriculum

ð  xy hours ICT competences to maintain webshop (text, photos, admin - Magento)


o   Trainings should end by the end of August 2011

o   The Bazaar will be online already on February ? (I would suggest August)  2011 for the first set of learners.


Project Website


Progress report

o   Report formulaire are on moodle

o   Filled reports should be sent by 31.10.2010

o   Each partner will contribute his information to the complete report and EBG will coordinate and finalise the report.

o   Fill VAT declaration.

o   Timesheets – only for staff (employed by the organisation)



Webshop  àUse ELISE

Project àUse Kirckpatrick

The evaluation depends on what we would like to evaluate.

The evaluation must not create and extra work load.

It is important that the questionnaires to the participants will be clear and not too long so that the quality of the answers will be higher.


Next meeting in Venice – 13-14.9.2010